Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - Salt Lake City Edition

I'd love to say that I'm posting from Salt Lake City, Utah, because I am out discovering the next huge band, or seeing an amazing concert festival, or following Dave Matthews on tour. Unfortunately, none of those are true. I'm out here for work, but it's work for my day job, the one that pays the bills and makes me a slave.

Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let that prevent me from giving you the weekly dose of rockin' roundup. Utah is real nice, but I'll be happy when I get back home.

Here's what rocked this week:

Cheap Trick/Posion/Def Leppard started their tour this week. I was disappointed by Poison's set list, and disappointed by the amount of time they are on the stage compared with Def Leppard. I'm happy I didn't shell out the bucks for this. Here's the setlist for all three bands on opening night.

The Music Elitist is back. He promises to blog regularly, but I'm not going to hold my breath. For now, I'm thankful for this really decent post on bands that release radio singles that don't suck.

Another shameless plug for another review I did over at Hard Rock Hideout. This one is my review of Grave Foresaken's This Day Forth.

And finally, Phish took some time out of their touring schedule (or maybe it was while they were on the road) to talk to Rolling Stone magazine about their upcoming album, Joy. I am excited and can't wait to get my hands on this one.

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