Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - March Madness Edition

Another March has arrived, bringing with it the NCAA Tournament. I enjoy watching the tournament, even though I don’t follow NCAA basketball that closely. The tournament is just fun to watch. Seeing these college kids give their all for the love of the sport is uplifting. The other great thing about the NCAA Tournament is that once it’s over, baseball has begun. Sure, I love watching the spring training games, but I’m really looking forward to the regular season. And once we see who has been crowned the national champion in college basketball, the 2011 Major League Baseball season will be underway. I can taste the ballpark franks already.

Here’s what rocked this week:

Review: Whitesnake – Forevermore
Over at Hard Rock Hideout, I had the distinct pleasure of reviewing the latest release from Whitesnake, Forevermore. This album is due out at the end of March here in the US. At the risk of spoiling my review for those that are about to click the link, mark your calendars. You want to own this record.

And Someone Else’s Opinion…
And here is a review of Whitesnake’s Forevermore from Stuart Hamilton of Blog Critics. What bothers me about this review is how long it takes Mr. Hamilton to actually talk about the album. A lot of reviewers do this, feeling like they need to give a history lesson on the band in order to write a proper review. If I wanted the history of the band, I’d visit Wikipedia. Just give me a review, will you?

And Another Opinion
This review comes from JT over at Loud Reviews. This is another review that takes multiple paragraphs to get to the actual “review” portion of the album. Do writers do this because they have nothing to say about Forevermore, or are they just showing off how knowledgeable they are about rock music? Either way, it’s annoying. Use your review post to review the album, not the history of the band. You can save that for your history post.

A New Album From Hot Tuna?
To be filed under the “I didn’t know they were still around/alive” category, Hot Tuna has announced a new album. It’s their first in over 20 years. The album, Steady As She Goes will be released on April 5th. I have to admit, I am quite curious to see what type of music Hot Tuna has recorded after 20 years.

The Cars To Release Their New Album In May
Over at Metal Odyssey, my buddy Stone is tremendously excited about the forthcoming album from The Cars, Move Like This. You know what? You should be too. The Cars are one of those bands that broke up way too early, never got enough recognition for their body of work, and recorded some incredible music. I think I will be standing in line right next to Stone come May 11th.

Pete Yorn Performing Musicforthemorningafter In Its Entirety
While the news that Pete Yorn is performing his debut record in its entirety to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the album’s release is exciting, it’s upsetting that he won’t be doing this in his home state of New Jersey. What the heck, Pete? Where’s the love for your Jersey brethren?

For more news, rants, cranky commentary, witty remarks, and the occasional complaint, you should follow me on Twitter.

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