Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Upcoming 2011 Spring/Summer Concert Tours

Looking to take in a concert (or concerts) this spring or summer but don’t know where to start? Are you unsure of who’s performing, or when they will be coming to your town? Well, fear not, friends. Cousin Ryo has your major (and minor) tour coverage covered. Below is a list of the anticipated spring/summer tours for 2011. Links to the tour page, price of tickets, and all the other necessary information is included. I hope to see you out at the shows this concert season.

Motley Crue/Poison/New York Dolls
Ticket Prices: $50 - $95

In what is considered to be one of the most highly anticipated tours for Glam fans, Motley Crue and Poison are hitting the road together with the New York Dolls. While no one ever though this tour would happen it’s now official. Motley Crue and Poison are teaming up for the summer. This is being hailed as a double bill, but most likely, Motley Crue will end the evening every night. And while Poison will put on a great show, I predict that they are going to play the same set list they’ve performed for the last 10 years. It would be nice to see them mix it up and perform some deep cuts, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen. The Crue is likely to perform a similar set from the last three years with one or two songs from Saints Of Los Angeles thrown in. While this looks like a fun concert for a warm summer night, the ticket price will most likely keep me away.

Bob Seger
Ticket Prices: $75

Michigan’s favorite son will be on tour this spring. This will be Seger’s first road jaunt in a couple of years, and while there is no new music to promote, his last album (released in 2009) was a collection of early Seger favorites and unreleased tracks. This could mean a show of greatest hits and pre-fame classics being performed live. I’ve never seen Bob Seger in concert, and if I want to catch him this spring, I am going to need to travel, as there are currently no stops near my house. However, I don’t see how Seger would not perform at least one night at Madison Square Garden, so I am holding onto the hope that more dates will be added soon.

Ticket Prices: $45 - $60

On the road again in 2011, the reunited Phish have lined up a summer concert tour that is bound to please fans of the jam band genre. With Dave Matthews Band on hiatus from touring this summer, Phish will be the best jam going. While I’ve never witnessed this band live, reviews from friends that have (in some cases several times) were all positive. Phish is a great live act that constantly changes their set so each concert is a unique experience. If you’re not sure which band to take in this summer, then this is a great one to consider.

Papa Roach/Finger Eleven/Pop Evil
Ticket Prices: $27

In what can only be described as the greatest rock tour of 2011, Papa Roach is hitting the road with two equally exceptional hard rock bands---Finger Eleven and Pop Evil. Fans of The Rock And Roll Guru know my love for Pop Evil, but may not know how much I enjoy Finger Eleven’s music as well. Tour dates and venues were still being finalized at press time, but I can guarantee that most of these shows will sell out. Papa Roach is a great live band, Finger Eleven is solid entertainment, and Pop Evil is a band set to explode. For $27, this is a can’t miss show.

Ticket Prices: $30 - $275

After cancelling their summer tour last year, due to Bono’s emergency surgery, U2 is once again globetrotting on their 360 tour. The US portion of this tour arrives in late May and extends through July. I have not seen U2 since 2005 when they were out in support of How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. Every time I’ve seen the band live, they were incredible. There is nothing to lead me to believe that this tour would be any different. I may even get tickets to see the band when they come to New Jersey in July. It will all depend on how much money is in the bank account, since the affordable tickets to this show are long gone.

Three Days Grace
Ticket Prices: $30

Selling out most of their dates already, Three Days Grace is gracing the club circuit this spring. Still travelling in support of their latest release, Life Starts Now, Three Days Grace is performing at several clubs. Tickets are going fast! Three Days Grace is an exceptional modern rock band and their live act is awesome. For $30, you can’t go wrong. This is a great band to see live and guaranteed fun for the hard rock lover.

Ticket Prices: $45

Headliners of this year’s M3 Festival, Whitesnake will be out on the road for most of the spring and the summer. They are touring in support of their solid new record, Forevermore. David Coverdale still sounds great and Reb Beach is an incredible guitarist, so seeing Whitesnake live is a smart decision. Obviously the band will perform some of their new songs, but the classic cuts of hits like "Slide It In," "Still Of The Night," and "Is This Love" are almost certain to be played and to hear the roar of the crowd in response.

Ticket Prices: $25

Hinder is touring in support of their latest masterpiece, All American Nightmare. If you’ve never seen the band live, now is the time to check them out. Hinder’s live show is nothing but a rock and roll party, and their latest album is one of the best rock albums released in years. Hearing the new tracks in concert is going to be a grand experience and this is a show I highly recommend. With tickets selling for only $25, you really can’t go wrong.

Saliva With Rev Theory
Ticket Prices: $15 - $20

With a brand new album to support, Saliva is hitting the road this spring with up and coming hard rockers, Rev Theory. Saliva is a great band that never gets enough credit. They’ve been rocking their asses off since the early 2000s and while I haven’t heard the new record yet, their body of work speaks for itself. Saliva puts on a great concert and they are a fun act to witness live. If you get the chance, spend the $15 for a night of great entertainment.

Def Leppard With Heart
Ticket Prices: $25 - $125

With news of a new live album coming out this summer, Def Leppard is going on the road with another classic band, Heart. This is bound to be an excellent show for the classic rock lovers. While seats in the amphitheater are a little pricey, the lawn seats are affordable. I’ve never seen either of these bands live, but I hear that Def Leppard puts on a solid performance, and I’ve heard that Heart is still great live. This show could be worth checking out.

Tour Dates still being confirmed
Ticket Prices: TBD

Cinderella is expected to tour in support of their 25th anniversary. Rumors abound that they will hit the road this summer with Warrant for a double bill of their own. Nothing has been confirmed except for one show in September, but Warrant does have a new album due out later this year. While they probably wouldn’t sell well on their own, a double bill of Cinderella and Warrant could be just the right combination of great hair metal bands to sell tickets. I’m curious to see what the prices for this tour will be. If the price is right, I’ll probably be there. Both bands put on an incredible concert and hearing Cinderella perform live is always a treat.

And there it is, some of the great shows coming around this spring and summer. Do you know of a concert that I failed to add to this list? Drop me a line or post a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Seger actually will be playing new music from an album that's in progress. The first single, a cover of "Downtown Train" is already out there on the radio...

    This post was great - good to see a rundown of everything on one page (or most everything. Heart are a must-see for sure - I've seen them a few times in the past few years and they never fail to deliver. Ann Wilson is a freak of nature vocally...still! As for Def Leppard, they've seen better days, but if you're there already, you'll probably want to stick around.

    The tour I am really looking forward to is Journey with Foreigner and Night Ranger. While two out of the three bands are missing key original members, all three bands put on really solid shows. This ticket will be bang for the buck and I expect it to do the same kind of sellout business that Journey's tour with Heart and Cheap Trick did a few summers back.
