Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - Rush Live At The Garden Edition

This Sunday night, I am going to see Rush in concert for the third time in my life. I will be attending their concert at Madison Square Garden with my cousin and my uncle, who have attended each Rush concert I’ve ever seen with me. I am looking forward to seeing the band again. They are still on the Time Machine tour and they are still playing Moving Pictures in its entirety. It will be nice to hear that whole album live once again.

In other news, there is a big announcement coming to The Rock And Roll Guru this Monday (April 11th). Be sure to check the home page on Monday morning. It will contain all the information you need to know about the future of The Rock And Roll Guru. I am excited about this announcement and I hope that you will be as well.

Here’s what rocked this week:

Our Fascination With Bad Music
Florind Metalla takes a closer look at why so many people love bad music. Personally I think all of the views are coming from teen hipsters who are trying to stay cool with the “it” songs of the moment. They certainly can’t be coming from anyone with musical taste.

A Touching Tribute To Kurt Cobain
It is so hard for me to believe that it has been 17 years since Kurt Cobain’s suicide. I was a big fan of Nirvana and I’ve often wondered where the band would have evolved to if Cobain were still alive. Over at Blogs N Roses, there is a touching tribute that speaks to the reality of Cobain’s suicide.

Rest In Peace Scott Columbus
There is some sad news from the Manowar camp. Former drummer, Scott Columbus, passed away on Monday. The Guru’s thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family during this tragic, difficult time.

Record Store Day Is Next Week
And finally, we end this edition of Friday’s Rockin’ Roundup with a reminder that Record Store Day is coming. Next Saturday, April 16th. Be sure to get out and support your independent dealers. They are becoming harder and harder to find. It’s a shame to think that one day we may not have a physical store to walk into and talk music with fellow passionate fans. That’s why Record Store Day is such a great day. To find a participating store near you, click on the link above.

For more news, reviews, concert updates, Record Store Day awareness, and other things that only music lovers can relate to, you should follow me on twitter.

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