Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - Stupid Vancouver Fans Edition

On Wednesday night, the city of Boston celebrated while the Bruins hoisted the Stanley Cup as the 2010/2011 champions. They played an excellent series. Boston's goaltender, Tim Thomas, was outstanding in all seven games and the Bruins deserved to win the cup. What did they do in the city of Vancouver to mourn their loss? They rioted. How STUPID can fans be? Apparently very stupid. Here's a link to some pictures that were captured during the riot:

Seriously? This is how a respected city with respected citizens mourns the loss of a sporting event? Personally, I think they should consider kicking Vancouver out of the league. Their stupid, deranged, drunken, disorderly fans have not only disgraced the beautiful city of Vancouver, but they've also disgraced the National Hockey League. Judging by these photos, they seem to be proud of it. How dumb can you be? This is a disgusting display of poor sportsmanship. Unfortunately, the fans that aren't like this are going to be lumped in with the dummies that did the rioting. And they say heavy metal fans are psychotic. I don't see any fans of heavy metal burning down cities.

Here's what rocked this week:

Clarence Clemons Hospitalized
There is sad news from the Bruce Springsteen camp. Saxophonist extraordinaire, Clarence Clemons was hospitalized due to a stroke. The latest reports show that his health is improving, but he still has a battle ahead of him. My thoughts and prayers go out to the big man and his family during this rough time. I hope that his recovery is a speedy one.

Gene Simmons And Shannon Tweed - Is It Over, Or Is It Just A Hoax?
Gene Simmons' Family Jewels season 6 premiered this week. And while promoting the premiere on both The Joy Behar show and the Today show, it appeared that the couple was splitting up. Shannon Tweed apparently became upset over a photo she saw of Gene with some female fans but wouldn't elaborate further. And now Gene is tweeting that he is willing to go to counseling. Hmmmmm, smells like a ratings ploy to me. I guess only time will tell, but my gut tells me that they are far from finished.

The Lead Singer Of The Coasters Dies At 83
On an even sadder note, Carl Gardner, the lead singer of The Coasters has passed away after being in hospice care. The Coaster's big hit "Yakety Yak" was one of my favorite songs growing up. As a child, my mother and I would listen to The Coasters and The Platters a lot. It's always sad when we lose another great member of the music family. The Guru's thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Carl Gardner.

Adele Is A Bonafide Smash Success
Adele's latest album, 21, has hit number one on the Billboard 200 again. This is the tenth (non consecutive) week that Adele has held the top honor. And record executives still insist that no one pays for music anymore? Apparently they pay for Adele.

Every Album Challenge Update
Albums Listened To: 122
Albums Remaining: 1931

For more news, reviews, rants, raves, and Every Album Challenge updates, you should follow me on twitter.

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