Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sebastian Bach - May 14, 2011 (M3 Day Two)

Prior to Sebastian Bach’s M3 performance, I had awful expectations regarding his set. One might say I was a borderline hater and would receive little argument from me. My past experiences seeing solo Sebastian live were negative. The last time I saw him I felt he was overweight, out of shape, and losing his voice. I went as far as predicting that he would be this year’s Vince Neil of the M3 Festival.

On Thursday evening prior to his M3 performance, news leaked that Bach had been arrested for marijuana possession. Suddenly, fans were left wondering if Bach was even going to show up for his stage appearance. Word came the next day that he was released, but then on Saturday, about an hour before he was due to take the stage, he cancelled his on site press tent appearance. “His performance is going to be a train wreck,” were my exact thoughts.

When the time came for Bach to take the stage, the amphitheater seats and lawn were packed. Whoever was on the second stage was almost completely ignored. Regardless of my preconceived notions, fans wanted their Bach. His band appeared on the stage and the M3 crowd erupted with their loudest cheers of the day. The opening notes of “Big Guns” ripped through the amphitheater and Bas stormed the stage while the applause got louder. He was the man of the hour.

To his credit, Sebastian Bach came to perform. Halfway through “Big Guns” I noticed how much better he sounded compared to the last time I saw him. The energy level was extremely high and his voiced was solid. Bach also looked to be in great shape. Perhaps he was working out and seeing a vocal coach? Or maybe his youthful new guitarists, Nick Sterling, had Bas remembering what it was like to be young, wild, and energetic.

After a fantastic performance of “Big Guns,” Bas took to the time to joke about his arrest. He commented on how shocking it was for a rock star to get arrested for partying which brought a laugh and applause from the audience. Then the band kicked into their next song.

Young ax wizard, Nick Sterling, really was amazing on lead guitar. I had never even heard of the kid prior to M3. However, he left quite a lasting impression and I’m actually excited by the prospect of Bach’s new album (due out in September). Sebastian made several references to Sterling being the youth and the future and he was right. I don’t know where Sterling got his lessons, but wherever it was, they knew what they were doing. Sterling could be the future barometer by which all guitarists are measured. More importantly, he could be the spark that re-vitalizes Sebastian Bach’s career.

Bach’s M3 performance was incredible and left me wanting more. Alongside “Big Guns,” other notable hits were performed: “18 And Life,” “Piece Of Me,” “I Remember You,” “Monkey Business,” and of course, the big set closer, “Youth Gone Wild.” The last song sounded particularly brilliant as Bas and company blew the roof off of the M3 amphitheater.

By the end of his performance, Sebastian Bach had proven me wrong. I thought I was going to see a half-assed performance by an aging rocker who was only there to collect money. What I got instead was a kick in the balls rock show and a desire to see more. Being proven wrong had never felt so right.

Big Guns
(Love Is) A Bitchslap
Stuck Inside
18 And Life
American Metalhead
Piece Of Me
Monkey Business
I Remember You
Youth Gone Wild

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