Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - Dieting Edition

I decided to restart my diet this week. Maybe it’s the fact that I gained back 12 of the 20 pounds I lost. Perhaps it’s the vanity of knowing that my 20 year high school reunion is another week away. Or maybe it’s the fact that sometimes I just overeat and I know it can’t be healthy for me.

Whatever the reason, I have to admit, dieting sucks. Fruit for breakfast, tuna and red peppers for lunch, and a sensible dinner is no fun at all. Beer is off the list (except on cheat day, which is Saturday for me). No popcorn (and at the movies that is hard) and no Taco Doritos (a real weakness of mine). Sometimes I hate being vain.

I’d love to say the hell with it and let myself go. But then I see myself dropping a few pounds and I feel inspired to continue on. It’s a rough, long road – a lifestyle change, but it is best if I get back on track now. I know come October, I will be much fitter and much happier.

Here’s what rocked this week:

So You Wanna Be A Music Blogger?
I came across an excellent article this week. For anyone who has ever wanted to get into the music blogging sphere, you need to check this out. I wish I had found an article like this when I was starting out. As it is, the post still gave me plenty to think about even after all these years of blogging. This is a must read for anyone who blogs, is thinking about blogging, or wants to be a blogger. And the subject matter is good for any type of blogging, not just music. A worthy read, indeed!

Puddle Of Mudd With Rev Theory And Royal Bliss
My exclusive Puddle Of Mudd concert review for Hard Rock Hideout can be found at this link. It was an excellent opportunity for me to witness Puddle Of Mudd live (my first time seeing them in concert). The opening act was astonishing and overall, it was a fun filled night of hard rock and roll.

Pearl Jam 20
This September will bring forth an amazing moment of Pearl Jam history. Directed, written, and produced by Cameron Crowe, Pearl Jam 20 is the definitive biopic about one of the greatest bands to ever rock the stage. And while there is a book (and a soundtrack) coming out to commemorate Pearl Jam’s 20th anniversary, it is the documentary film that I am most looking forward to. While I will own this on DVD, I have a feeling that I will also be heading to the nearest theater to catch it on the big screen.

Every Album Challenge Update
Albums Listened To: 217
Albums Remaining: 1,836

For more news, reviews, rants, raves, odd sayings, and strange little music tidbits, you should follow me on twitter.

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