Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - High School Reunion Edition

Tomorrow I will be attending my 20-year high school reunion. I know it’s hard to believe that your cousin Ryo is really that old, but it’s true. I have mixed feelings about the fact that twenty years have passed since my high school graduation day.

While there is a lot of nostalgia in attending my reunion, there are also some mixed feelings of uncertainty. Reunions can serve as a reinforcement of all that we have accomplished in life, but they can also serve as a reminder of all that we have not achieved. In high school dreams are endless, the sky is the limit. And a lot of us really believed that we were going to have it all---fame, fortune, and a life much different from anyone else.

While I love the fact that I’ve been chasing my dreams with full force lately, I still have a tendency to look around at all that I have yet to do. A 20-year reunion is just a harsh reminder of how fast the time goes. That just leads me down a road of doubt and uncertainty, which is a place I do not visit very often.

Yes, it will be nice to see classmates from yesteryear. It will be nice to catch up and learn what everyone has been up to. It will be nice to reminisce and banter about our glory days. When it’s all said and done, however, we have to continue to move forward. So, I will try my best to enjoy the night for what it is, and then move on and move forward.

Here’s what rocked this week:

No Anniversary For The Monkees
And without reason or explanation, The Monkees have cancelled their anniversary tour. Personally, I think the band was ready to kill each other. Sometimes, you just can’t go back to what you once had. I guess there are a lot of very unhappy 60 year old ladies this week.

Lollapalooza Wrap Up
The 20th Lollapalooza was held last weekend and the reports all appeared positive. Here’s a nice wrap up of the entire weekend in just a few hundred words. I did not realize that the Cars were performing at Lollapalooza this year. I also didn’t realize that Big Audio Dynamite got back together. Perhaps I need to check up on my music news a little more carefully, or get a better memory.

Gavin DeGraw Assaulted
This is a real shame. Gavin DeGraw was hospitalized after being assaulted in New York City by unknown suspects. And apparently, the attackers were not after his money. It all just sounds a little odd to me. Here’s hoping that he has a quick recovery.

Big Boi Arrested For Illegal Substances
Apparently, Outkast’s Big Boi likes to get high and then get his freak on. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. However, it would bother me less if he and Andre 3000 would get back together and work on a new album. I know there are rumors for a 2012 disc, but I want something concrete.

For more rants, raves, reviews, news, concert updates, and odd little chirps, you should follow me on twitter.

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