Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cellout - Superstar Prototype

Hailing from Sweden (where all the great metal is anymore) Cellout has released a solid, hard rocking, heavy album, Superstar Prototype. Dark, aggressive, and grand, Superstar Prototype is a record that most fans of modern rock bands are going to be pleased with. As newcomers to the scene, Cellout deliver.

Superstar Prototype is rife with emotional lyrics that reveal pent up pain, self doubt, deep seeded trust issues, and questions about fitting into the current state of the world. Anxiety ridden teenagers and twenty-somethings will be thrusting their fists into the air as they sing along with songs like “Dark Days” and “All My Demons Inside.” Themes of moving on, getting screwed, and dealing with life’s difficulties run rampant throughout this album.

Defining their sound and hard rocking style immediately on the lead-off track, “Dark Days,” Cellout pulls the listener in and never lets up. The raw emotion and power displayed on this tracks carries throughout the rest of the album. There is no filler contained on Superstar Prototype. It only contains blissful ear rock.

The greatness continues into the second song (and really throughout the rest of the album) “All My Demons Inside.” Leading off with a heavy guitar riff and blistering drums, “All My Demons Inside” is a speeding ticket waiting to happen. If this song is blasting out of the car speakers on a beautiful, sun drenched, golden spring day, gas pedals are bound to be pressed a little closer to the floor. This would also be a great song to work out to. It’s guaranteed to make you push yourself harder.

Lead singer Percy Mejhagen doesn’t show much vocal range, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad singer. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Mejhagen is a talented front man that raises each song to the next level. His vocal talent is the emotion that he sings with. Mejhagen feels each song and conveys those feelings through his lead vocals.

The guitar work by lead ax man Robert Monegrim is crisp, clean, and talented. Monegrim shines on all his solos, especially on the magnificently beautiful “Flooded.” This is an exceptional ballad of the modern day that is bound to be a radio hit in no time. Just a few spins of this song will have you hooked permanently.

Superstar Prototype is an amazing record from a very talented hard rock group. If you are a fan of the modern rock sound with a slightly different flair and harder edge, you are going to love Cellout’s Superstar Prototype. This is a solid hard rocking work of art. If you want to hear the next great sound, pick up a copy of Superstar Prototype.

Notable Tracks: All My Demons Inside, Flooded, Breathe

Ryo’s Rating: 8.5 (Out of 10)

Track Listing
Dark Days
All My Demons Inside
The Gift
Set Things Straight
As I Fall
In My Arms
The Tragedy In You

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