Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Rockin' Roundup - Graduation Edition

Some important family graduations are happening soon. This weekend, my wife and I will be travelling to New York to attend my nephew’s high school graduation. He will be starting college in the fall and a whole world of opportunity awaits him. I’ve watched him grow from a boy to a man and to see him graduate from high school will be an enjoyable experience.

My daughter is graduating 8th grade in 3 weeks. She will be off to high school next year where the pressures are twice that of junior high. My wife and I are hopeful that we have prepared her for what the future will hold, but it’s always hard to know. Teenage girls aren’t much for more than one syllable answers - - - unless, of course, they are texting.

I remember my own high school years with a bittersweet fondness. High school was an awkward period of life for me, as I’m sure it is for most students. High school is where my love for music was really cemented, so whenever I think back to those years, it’s with a smile. I fell in love with many of the hair metal bands from back then. I also discovered a lot of classic rock bands thanks to raiding my mother’s and father’s record collection. It was the period where music really took a solid hold in my life and has stayed with me ever since. I hope that my daughter’s high school years will have her finding her one true passionate love, much like it did for me.

Here’s what rocked this week:

INXS Will Be On The Road This Summer
This was some of the best news I saw all week. INXS is going on tour this summer. It will be the band’s first time on the road in far too long. And the best part is that they will be playing near my New Jersey home. While there s no confirmation on who will be singing for the band, it appears that J.D. Fortune would be on the road with the band. According to the band’s website, J.D. Fortune is listed as the current singer of INXS with the dates of 2005+ next to his name. I hope J.D. fronts the band for this tour. Any songs performed from Switch would be a real treat.

Brian Johnson Released A Memoir
I did not even know the front man for AC/DC had a book out until I heard him come on the Opie and Anthony show (right after his appearance on The Howard Stern show). The book is a unique take on memoir telling as it deals with all of the cars that Johnson has had throughout his life. Along the way, Brian tells some amazing, memorable anecdotes that any fan of the singer or AC/DC is bound to love. Here is yet another book that I have to add to my never ending list of rocker biographies to read.

Rock On The Range Recap
Over at, they have posted a nice little recap of this year’s Rock On The Range. While I couldn’t attend the festival myself, this is a nice way to see what transpired, who performed well, and who was over the top. Maybe next year I can check out multiple festivals. That would be grand.

New Pop Evil Album Rescheduled For June 28th
Finally we have a new release date for one of the most highly anticipated records of the year (at least to cousin Ryo). I will be reviewing this album for either The Rock And Roll Guru or Hard Rock Hideout, so I will get to hear it, even if it I won’t be able to enjoy it after that. I’m just glad that War Of Angels has a new release date. Now I wish the record company would explain why there was such a long delay and why it happened the day before the record was released.

Every Album Challenge Update
Albums Listened To: 82
Albums Remaining: 1,971

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